
Showing posts from October, 2023

How Does Carpet Cleaning Improve Indoor Air Quality?

Many of us spend a significant amount of time indoors, which makes it crucial to ensure that the air we breathe is clean and healthy. In this blog, we will delve into the concept of indoor air quality, explore the role of carpets in trapping pollutants, and discuss how carpet cleaning Melbourne can effectively improve the air we breathe. What is indoor air quality? Indoor air quality refers to the condition of the air inside buildings and structures, including homes, offices, and public spaces. It is important to note that indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air, primarily due to the presence of various contaminants. These pollutants can include dust, dirt, mould, pet dander, pollen, chemical fumes, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Common sources of indoor air pollution include cooking, cleaning products, smoking, building materials, and poor ventilation. The role of carpets in indoor air quality: Carpets play a significant role in indoor air quality as they can act